
European Central Bank

 European financial institution (ECB), central banking authority of the euro zone, which consists of the 19 European Union (EU) member states that have adopted the euro as their common currency. the most task of the ecu financial institution (ECB) is to conduct monetary policy within the region by managing the availability of the euro and maintaining price stability. it had been established in 1998 by the Treaty of Amsterdam. Its headquarters are in Frankfurt am Main, Germany.

The ECB and therefore the national central banks of EU member countries structure what's referred to as the Eurosystem. The ECB is liable for the supervision of lending institutions within the Eurosystem and in participating non-euro-area member states. The ECB is overseen by a governing council consisting of six executive board members, with one serving because the president, and therefore the 19 governors of the national central banks of the euro-zone countries. Executive board members are appointed by the ecu Council.

The ECB conducts monetary policy by controlling the availability of euros within the region. If the euro zone begins to experience price increases—owing, for instance , to an unexpected increase in demand or a sudden reduction in supply—the ECB responds by pulling euros from the market to alleviate the pressure on the costs . Conversely, if the euro-zone economies experience a recession—an economic downturn related to declining output and economic activity—the ECB steps in by pumping more euros into the market so as to fuel economic activity and revert the consequences of the recession.

Managing the availability of euros

The ECB is that the only institution which will authorize the printing of euro banknotes. Unlike the Federal Reserve—which, because the central banking authority of the us , uses the buying and selling of U.S. government bonds to influence the cash supply—the ECB influences the availability of euros within the market by directly controlling the quantity of euros available to eligible member banks. hebdomadally , the ECB announces a specified amount of money funds it wishes to provide and sets the lower limit for the suitable rate of interest . Eligible banks—which are euro-zone national central banks and commercial banks that have provided collateral and meet certain balance-sheet criteria—then start to bid for the ECB funds via an auction mechanism. Sometimes, rather than an auction, the ECB specifies the rate of interest it's willing to simply accept and allows member banks to request the maximum amount funding as they want at the allotted rate. Once the banks have received the funds, they use them to form loans to businesses and consumers within the economy. That way the ECB controls the quantity of cash that enters the system and therefore the short-term rate of interest that banks pay to receive the funds.

Responding to depression

The ECB was instrumental in organizing a response to the euro-zone debt crisis that started in 2009 after the spillover effects of the financial crisis of 2007–08 hit Europe. The ECB lowered interest rates to make sure a gentle supply of euros into the Eurosystem. Under its president, Jean-Claude Trichet, the ECB also joined the International fund to supply billions of dollars of loans to the ailing economies of Portugal, Ireland, and Greece in an effort to avoid defaults by those countries, which might have threatened the steadiness of the whole euro zone and undermined the viability of keeping the euro because the common currency. Later, the very fact that the loans given out required recipient governments to implement severe budget cuts and other austerity measures led to widespread protests and public outrage within the recipient countries, which r

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